“The folk who lived here long ago. They lived in the ruins
there, and in other ruins you’ll see. They poached the river many a time, I bet!”
Stones lay scattered all across the Scottish landscape -
ruined crofts, dykes, churches, bridges, stone circles. This year I intend to
uncover some of the memories and imaginations such stones evoke through musical,
visual and written media. Not only do I want to read some of the stories
embodied in stone, I also want to develop my understanding of the way memory
links past and present, and the way working across various arts disciplines can
help me in this arts-led enquiry (see also my blogs Composition, Repetition, and Taking Inspiration from Sally Beamish).
Expressing myself musically, visually and verbally will give
me insight in the crossovers between the ways different forms of arts think about what they do and how they do it. In
comparison to the visual arts and writing, music is often thought of as being
an abstract art and therefore most suitable to appeal to people’s emotions and
imagination. In his book The Music of Painting, Peter Vergo explains how this
quality, as well as the structured approach of musical composition, appeals to
many painters. As a composer of music my interest is in the reverse: how thinking
visually and verbally can provide an extra dimension to music composition.
As a student with the Open College of the Arts I've noticed that drawing and painting students keep sketchbooks in which they explore ideas
on a regular basis, even if this does not feed directly into a drawing or painting they're working on. In contrast, composers seem to sketch mainly to feed into particular compositions. I want to borrow from the visual arts the idea
of keeping a sketchbook to record my field work. My musical, visual, verbal and
conceptual observations will all feed into my larger enquiry, and this in turn will provide context and
inspiration, and hopefully some starting points for specific musical compositions.
For now, I’ll follow in the footsteps of Kenn and Angus, be it
with camera and sketchbook in hand, to uncover some of the memories and imaginations the
stones scattered across the landscape evoke.
Copryight text and image Petra Vergunst
Links to other blogs for the project Said in Stone:
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