Golden birch leaves rustle in the disappearing sun while
silver drops scar the reflecting surface of the water.
The above words came to my mind when
resting on a bench alongside a small lake an early autumn
a few years ago. I used words to describe a nature experience and express my
emotional response to it, perhaps even using my imagination to conjure up new
experiences. Irrespective of the kind of experience I had and the words I used
to capture it, the very act of writing has made the experience a memorable one. The creative activity has etched it in my mind.
The community music project Burn
of Sound, commissioned by Scottish Natural Heritage to celebrate the
Year of Natural Scotland 2013, aims to use the creative
activities of writing and singing to deepen the participants’ engagement with Muir of Dinnet National Nature Reserve. One cannot only capture nature
experiences through the meaning of words, but also through the rhythm and sound
of words. The meanings and musical qualities of words can be further enhanced if
set to music. A selection of the material written by participants during
creative experience workshops in the first part of the community music project
will therefore be integrated in a series of rounds that will be sung with
participants during singing workshops in the second half of the project.

The project Burn of Sound will start with a series of
creative experience walks that start from the Muir of Dinnet visitor centre –
for schools on Monday 29 April and Wednesday 1 May and for families and on Saturday 11 May from 10.30 am to 12 noon. During
those walks participants will be encouraged to use the meaning, rhythm and
sound of words to capture their nature experiences. Families will have an
opportunity to sing the rounds based on the material written during the
creative experience workshops at the Muir of Dinnet visitor centre on Saturday 15
June from 10.30 to 11.30 am, whereas local schools and community groups will be offered singing
workshops in the week starting 17 June in schools and the venues where they
usually gather.

If you are a family, school, community group or artist interested
in participating in the project, please contact community musician Petra
Vergunst at
For more information about the project you can also contact Muir of Dinnet
reserve manager Catriona Reid on
Other blogs on this project:
Images, words and sounds
I felt moss, I held water
Celebrate summer singing
Other blogs on this project:
Images, words and sounds
I felt moss, I held water
Celebrate summer singing
Copyright text and image Petra Vergunst
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